presstalk 671-TALK

• Please be aware that the red light at Parkside Drive and Turkey Cove Lane is a City of Knoxville red-light camera location. There isn’t any signage to indicate that the red light has become a camera red light. Recently the wait-time has been greatly extended traveling east and west on Parkside, even without cars waiting to exit the shopping area or Turkey Cove Lane.

I agree that there isn’t any excuse to run a red light. Question: was the public notified through local media services that the red light was going to become a ticketed light? Was there a grace period given? Is it safe to have traffic backed up 10 to 20 cars waiting for the light to change when no cars are present to travel in the opposite direction? Yes I am most supportive and appreciative of our law enforcement. And yes I think they definitely need to be paid much more than they currently earn. But how much of the actual price of the ticket is paid to the red-light companies versus our local government.