presstalk 671-(TALK) or

• I was just reading Presstalk (recently) and I also think that a beautiful mural of our area on Campbell Station Road, on the wall that’s there, would be awesome.

• I’m all for our youth being involved in the Town, therefore my suggestion for the wall on Campbell Station is that the Town of Farragut should invite art classes at Farragut High School to paint a mural on the retaining wall depicting a scene reflecting Farragut history. That would be a beautiful wall, and it invites our youth to be part of the Town and proud of our Town and of their talents.

• I agree with the suggestions that have been put out about the retaining wall on Campbell Station Road being painted rather than going to extreme expense to try other methods to make it prettier. Paint is cheap. If it doesn’t work then you can come back and re-think the process and come up with another plan. But I think it would work great. Somebody had a real good idea there.

• My opinion is they need to have prayer before the (public high school) ballgames; they need to have prayer in school. Prayer should be everywhere. Kids need to understand and learn about prayer. I have children that have never even been to church. How do they understand? How do they learn? What goes on with them? They need prayer.