letters to the editor

Rosseel ‘enthusiastically’ behind Williams

The residents of Farragut have a critical decision to make between now and Aug. 2. They have an opportunity to elect a man of strong moral character and dedication to the founding principles of the Town. These principles include maintaining a citizen-driven government, quality growth that maintains Farragut’s residential nature, and a commitment to financially sound solutions. To meet those goals as we continue to grow, he will strive to balance investing in our parks, greenways, and roads. That man is Ron Williams.

Ron is a retired businessman who understands the needs and concerns of our local businesses and those of the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce. And he is a man who has established working relationships with leaders in Knox county and surrounding east Tennessee communities.

Ron believes it is essential that our next Mayor meet, listen, and respond to citizens’ concerns. That our next Mayor should be one who carefully studies the issues, attends town meetings, and works to solve problems to make Farragut a better place to live and raise our families.

Ron is a man ready and willing to invest his time, knowledge and skills to lead our Farragut community to a better future!

For these reasons, I enthusiastically endorse Ron as our next Mayor.

Tom Rosseel, Farragut