presstalk 671-TALK

• I’m calling in regards to the (ThroughTheLens) about having the speed bumps and the traffic problems of speeders in subdivisions. We have a very serious problem on St. Andrews Drive in Fox Den. I have almost been hit three or four different times as I mowed my lawn, with speeders coming down the street. But I made the turn at the street level. I’ve talked to (Darryl) Smith (Town of Farragut engineer) about putting in speed bumps, and he has refused. He did bring a counter out, and it did not accomplish what it is supposed to do, and that was to record speed, not the numbers. I would certainly appreciate any effort that (someone) might have to get him to recognize that we have a tremendous amount of problems with speeders coming down St. Andrews Drive.

• I would like to offer a mention about the McFee Park expansion, updates, upgrades. I agree with the (caller), his opinion or her opinion, that appeared in the farragutpress Thursday, April 18, edition, that it is ridiculous to spend $8 million, or anywhere close to that amount, is fiscally not conservative, and I think that we really should spend our money more wisely on things like roads and infrastructure, so I totally agree with the opinion that appeared in (the April 18) paper.

• I am strongly opposed to any speedbump that requires you to go down to 15 mph in a 25 mph speed zone, or risk having your teeth jarred loose or the suspension on your vehicle damaged. Moreover, the noise generated when cars, and especially trucks, roar back up to speed after slowing down for the speed bump, can be particularly obnoxious. If they must be installed over the objections of many residents, they should be of the type that is installed at the entrance to Lakeside Tavern. This time, it’s the intrusive speed “hump,” as opposed to a speed “bump” like the ones installed in the Town of Farragut that I have seen. There is a major difference between a speed “hump” and a speed “bump.” A speed “hump” you can hit at the speed limit with no ill or adverse affect, whereas the speed “bumps” are like driving over a 2-by-4 lying across the road.

• I had to laugh when I saw your (ThroughTheLens) in (the April 25) farragutpress with a picture of the old Ingles complex. You all really think something is being done? I haven’t noticed any work since the week that the deadline was given. I don’t know what you all think they have done — but it sure doesn’t look like much going on to me.

• I am responding to the (ThroughTheLens) question in the April 25 issue. First of all, how to fix the wall (retaining wall along Campbell Station Road near Farragut High School’s entrance) Let a high school art class, or two or three art classes, taking subject matter not just from art but maybe history or space? I don’t know — but let the kids create a mural there. I think it would be just as nice. Maybe not as noteworthy, but it would be real. I would do that before it starts getting graffiti on it.

• I’m calling Presstalk answering the (ThroughTheLens) question, “are there any other buildings or structures in Town needing renovation or removal?” There’s four — or four-and-a-half buildings — needing absolute removal. They are on Virtue Road between Virtue Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the corner Virtue Road makes with Boyds Station Road. There is one house and one in-ground garage on the uphill side. There are three shacks, and I literally mean shacks, on the downhill side right by the water. Those all need to be removed right from the earth. Maybe you can get another upscale house, where the one on the hillside is. But hose three and that dug-into-the-ground garage are so atrocious it’s not worth fixing them. Maybe Rural/Metro could play around with putting out the fires (at these structures) if they need practice or something. But that’s about the only use for those buildings.